Common Reasons Why Your Roof Is Leaking in Plymouth Michigan

Common Reasons Why Your Roof Is Leaking in Plymouth Michigan

Having a roof leak in Plymouth Michigan is something no homeowner wants to deal with. From the water stains on ceilings, to mold and mildew growth, leaks are not a pleasant experience. Considering there is also a risk of health issues from mold, structural damage, and fire and shock hazards, it is important to do your best to not only catch a roof leak early, but also do your best to prevent them completely. To do this, it is important to identify what most commonly causes leaks, and where you need to be looking.

Common Reasons Why Your Roof Is Leaking in Plymouth Michigan

When you have a roof leak on your home it may not seem like much of a problem. In fact, many times home owners who have small roof leaks tend to delay getting them repaired. The attitude that the roof leak isn’t that bad so the damage can’t be that bad is sometimes taken. But it’s certainly the wrong attitude to have especially when you consider the damages that can be caused simply by delaying roof repair on your home.

Licensed Roof Contractor Plymouth MI (1)

When considering whether you need to a call a professional roofer or not there are some facts that you should know about roof leaks. Here are some of the most common reasons why you may have a roof leak on your home:

Improper Installation

When your roof, or any of its features are not properly installed, you are just asking for problems. This is because improper installation can often mean unsealed edges, materials not laying flat, overlapping, loose pieces, and plenty of ways for moisture to get in. You should always have a licensed and insured professional roofer do the work, and have a contract that states they will fix any problems caused by installation error without extra charge.


While skylights are a fantastic feature that can bring in lots of natural light and provide a great view of the sky, they are also known for being prone to problems. This is because you are having to cut into your roof to place a skylight, then essentially installing a window into your roof. Moisture can get in to even the smallest of openings, and your skylight can develop problems over time, just like windows. Get an experienced professional to do the job, and look for materials that will work well with exposure to moisture.

When the gutters become obstructed, the water backs up onto your roof, allowing moisture to sit and work its way through the layers until a leak is formed.

Overflowing Gutters

Gutters are used to help divert water away from your roof and your home’s foundation. When the gutters become obstructed, the water backs up onto your roof, allowing moisture to sit and work its way through the layers until a leak is formed. Keep your gutters clear, and check them at least once a month to make sure nothing is building up.


Whether from the elements, overhanging trees, strong winds, or poor aim, debris can end up on your roof. This can be something natural like snow, leaves or fungus, or even a rogue frisbee. You should always remove debris and trim nearby trees to keep things off your roof. This is because these items can both hold moisture, and provide shade for moisture to stay, making it easier for leaks to form. You do not want your roof to be too shaded either, because it promotes growths like fungus, algae, mold and mildew.

Poor Ventilation in Your Attic

Ventilation is necessary for your entire home, including your attic. Without enough ventilation in your attic, air cannot get in to help dry any potential moisture from getting it. It can also trap heat inside, making it easier for any snow on your roof to melt, and potentially refreeze. Too much ventilation can also allow moisture, along with pests, inside your attic, so it is crucial that you have a qualified professional come do a check to see where your home falls. You also need to check the vents occasionally to make sure they are not getting blocked.

Get a Roof Inspection

If you’re unsure of the state of the roof on your home you can always get the roof inspected by an experienced roofer. This can help identify any problem areas and address any roof leaks that need to be repaired. For a roof inspection on your home be sure to call the experts at Home Pros Plymouth today at 734-548-9911. They are fully licensed and insured.


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